Monday, June 15, 2009

Money Money until Death

You know what I just found out...

Money Is equivalent the the Queen in a chess game.
It can move in any direction and shoot as far as you need it to shoot.

You protect your queen to the end.
If you lose your queen it might feel as though
you've lost the game.
But an expert knows how to win in just a few moves
even though he had to sacrifice his queen as
the 1st piece to go.
But how does that statement apply to the game of money...
well it's really more like monopoly.
Am I saying that you can win the game of money without actually having money.
That's exactly what I'm saying[!!]
Actually, I shouldn't even have to convince you that this is true...
take a brief glance at you're list of most favorite celebs.
They took something that they knew how to do...
exploited themselves,
took a knife,
turned off all of the lights,
and fought the invisible enemy that was themselves.
Because they realized that a stab in the dark
is probably gonna be the stab that kills that invisible enemy.
What good is the light that you use to see with when the enemy
is the scariest enemy that you can face.
So I say do what they do...
Turn off the lights and win the battle[!!]
prepare for evolution
zay from the imperfects

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