Monday, June 15, 2009

Money Money until Death

You know what I just found out...

Money Is equivalent the the Queen in a chess game.
It can move in any direction and shoot as far as you need it to shoot.

You protect your queen to the end.
If you lose your queen it might feel as though
you've lost the game.
But an expert knows how to win in just a few moves
even though he had to sacrifice his queen as
the 1st piece to go.
But how does that statement apply to the game of money...
well it's really more like monopoly.
Am I saying that you can win the game of money without actually having money.
That's exactly what I'm saying[!!]
Actually, I shouldn't even have to convince you that this is true...
take a brief glance at you're list of most favorite celebs.
They took something that they knew how to do...
exploited themselves,
took a knife,
turned off all of the lights,
and fought the invisible enemy that was themselves.
Because they realized that a stab in the dark
is probably gonna be the stab that kills that invisible enemy.
What good is the light that you use to see with when the enemy
is the scariest enemy that you can face.
So I say do what they do...
Turn off the lights and win the battle[!!]
prepare for evolution
zay from the imperfects

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Copy N Profit? Real Money?

Is life really this simple?!

Short Summary:
If Copy N Profit is new to you, I suggest you do some research. The guy who created and inspired the Copy N Profit program says that he managed to find the easiest way to make stupid money online using Clickbank affiliate programs. He has decided to let other people know his secrets and he wants to sell his ideas to people, giving them the chance to people who buy to imitate his campaigns and make money simply by copying and pasting.

Is Jamie Lewis Honest about his acclamations?

Jamie Lewis, the owner and developer of the Copy N Profit system claims that his campaigns have helped him make something like 95000$ in a month, cumulatively. It’s of course something that belongs to the dreams of every single person who wants to make some money online. Definitely following the footsteps of someone who has made it work and has the knowledge and experience is important.

Even though the program doesn’t promise you that you will make astronomical money within this time, it promises that it will help you make some good bankroll within a 4 week period. If you are curious to know how you will do that, the owner suggests that you should just copy the campaign and use your own words so as to show what you want to the people that are doing business with you.

The "work" I had to do after purchasing the system?

After signing up you can dig through the very comprehensive info laid out in the membership site and get the understanding you need. You'll be super ready to start but make sure that you read everything first so you really understand everything on how to take those 1st steps. All of the campaign tools you will need are provided on the download page, so materials needed to activate the campaign as fast as possible, once you're at the starting line.

Copy N Profit: How does the system Work?

The Copy N Profit program will give you insatiable results with the advertisements and if you expand your traffic sources to the ones listed in the program then it’s most certain that you will have impressive results as well. This is for those people who want to take the guesswork out of creating super-successful campaigns.

Download the Program Now!

Price: $77.00 USD

Money Back Guarantee: 56 days